This has been a lazy few days for blogging. I have still madly been writing cover letters and also a few reviews, which don't seem to be showing up on the site :(
Links when they do. Bitter Ruin I am still completing a review of, out of intense nervousness of wanting to do right by them because of their sheer loveliness.
The photos I took of their gig can however be found here, and I intend to 'shop and post up my favourites properly.
This has been a week of buying shoes as I felt pretty rubbish throughout. Lest I go into detail about why I felt rubbish, I will instead say that I REALLY LOVE SHOES. Moreso than people, sometimes.
Photos of me wearing shoes will probably come about soon as well.
And I've begun two more knitting projects: a hot-water bottle for my housemate, despite the fact that, to my intense sadness, she is leaving us, and a zombie for my friend's Christmas present. Sadly I can't post up pictures, unless you promise not to look, Stuart?
I promise nothing!