
Saturday, 21 November 2009

My brain hurts right now

Oh, hangover..... *to the tune of 'Oh Vienna'*
Went to Komedia's Born Bad night, great fun except for all of my friends leaving at once at the end without telling me so that I found myself being chatted up by a guy called Chris who was shorter than me. bahahahha. I have gone home with someone called Chris before, but seeing as it's my brother's name I try to avoid it...
I now have guilt for trying to phone my friend at 3 in the morning, I have no idea if he was awake. It's more complicated than it seems, inappropriate time aside: this guy is a new friend and I can't really treat him like that yet, ie, phoning him at all hours when drunk. Hopefully he didn't mind and slept through it.
500 Days of Summer soundtrack is my new favourite thing. I defy you not to feel happier and sortof shimmery while listening to it. I do tend to skip straight past The Smiths to the Hall and Oates though. Hey, I've had my time as a teenager, we all know the way The Smiths are going to make you feel. I would never ever censor the arts someone chose to enjoy but my god, Morrisey, you must have caused the suicides of thousands. I'm not very certain about the version they have of 'Here Comes Your Man' either, why couldn't they use the original? Did they think it wasn't "alt" enough?

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