What do you do when you seem not to have what it takes to be the only thing you ever wanted to be? Can you learn? Do you fight? Is there a fast track route to 'the best'?
I'm not referring to becoming a rock star. I know that whatever you do in whatever industry, there are only so many who can shine the brightest. But what if you don't seem to have a spark, at all? What then - what powers you through the long cold night of the soul?
Some days I think, I would be happy doing a mediocre job, if I could just write the rest of the time. Like Kafka, working in a meaningless office job while he sculpted out tortuous masterpieces overnight. But I strive for meaning also. If I'm sitting at a desk every single day, I want it to make a difference in someone's life. Why exist if your existence doesn't improve the lives of others?